Physical Activity

The good news is that between 2008 and 2018, the proportion of ACT children aged 5- 17 years who usually walked or cycled to school increased from 28% to 40%. However, only one in five (22%) are meeting the physical activity guideline for children of 60 minutes or more of physical activity per day (CHOR 2020). This poses a very real and serious threat to their long-term health and quality of life.

Free or Low-Cost Activities For Families

Free or Low-Cost Activities For Families

See below a list of free or low - cost activities that families can take advantage off across the ACT.  There are some simple and fun things parents can do as part of their routine to support their child's early physical, social and learning skills.



NGADYUNG is the word used by the traditional land owners in the ACT region – the Ngunnawal People – to describe water and various activities associated with it.

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