Forums (2023)

Focus on Primary Schools - Richardson Primary School. June 2023.
In 2023 the Southside Initiative hosted Forums to connect with community organisations and southside primary schools and early childhood services to learn more about ways we can work together to better assist local families.
2023 Southside Initiative Forums
Term 1. Focus On Community Services - Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre. 28th February, 2023.
Term 2. Focus on Primary Schools - Richardson Primary School. 5th June, 2023.
Term 3. N/A
Term 4. Focus on ECECs. Tuesday 14 November Coombs Community Centre.
You can download and view the Circle of Security in the Classroom (COSP-C) presentation by Susan Williams from Marymead Catholic Care at the Term 4 Forum here.
You can read the Term 1 and 2 Forum Update here.