Health & Safety

Learning how to stay safe in our community is an imperative part of every child’s education. From the schoolyard to the weekend there are a variety of every-day risk factors and situations we should be alerting our students to. By teaching students safe behaviours and habits early on in life and by leading by example, we can help make a difference to figures like this ....eleven per cent of people aged 16 to 24 reported being a current user of e-cigarettes, or “vapes” - more than double the number in 2020 (NSW Population Health Survey 2021). 

Classroom Resources

Classroom Resources

Royal Life Saving's water safety education resources can be used for Health and Physical Education and cross-curricula learning outcomes as well as supporting practical swimming, water safety and lifesaving programs.

Cracks In The Ice

Cracks In The Ice

Getting the facts about crystal methamphetamine ('ice') and other drugs is an important step in preventing use and related harms among young people. This page provides access to information and resources for students and teachers to explore.

E-cigarettes, Vaping and the Law

E-cigarettes, Vaping and the Law

E-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes (also known as vapes) are battery powered devices that heat liquids, known as e-liquids, creating an aerosol (or vapour). This aerosol is breathed in, carrying the chemicals to the user’s lungs, and is then exhaled as a fine vapour.

National Child Safe Principles

National Child Safe Principles

The following pages provide information and advice for ACT Public School staff on how to protect children, create a child safe environment, identify and report signs of abuse and reportable conduct.

SHFPACT Education

SHFPACT Education

The SHFPACT Education Team provides age appropriate relationships and sexuality education in the form of workshops for class sized groups, presentations to larger groups and parent information evenings.  We work in schools as well as in community and sporting groups.

Swim and Survive

Swim and Survive

Swim and Survive is a fun and dynamic swimming and water safety program that focuses on the development of swimming, personal survival, basic rescue and lifesaving skills. Swim and Survive aims to provide individuals with the required skills to lead safe and active lives in, on and around water.

T 25 Clinic

T 25 Clinic

T25 Clinic is a free service that provides young Canberrans (12-25) with the opportunity to talk to a trained nurse about a range of issues in a non-judgmental environment. 



When a group of high-school friends post a rumour about a rival, it sparks a chain reaction that leaves no one untouched. Cyberbullying, sexting, filmed fights and police involvement ensue — will these friends avoid being tagged forever?

Vaping and Young People

Vaping and Young People

We know that young people often try vaping as a fun and socially normalised behaviour. Many young people who have never smoked a cigarette are using vapes and are becoming addicted to nicotine within a matter of weeks of vaping for the first time. 

Water Smart

Water Smart

The WaterSmart program provides classroom resources for teachers and schools and is mapped directly to the Australian Curriculum. The program contains two components: The Water Smart Educational Toolkit, and the Water Smart Award Guide.

Youth Health Care Access

Youth Health Care Access

Direction's Teen Clinic and Anglicare's The Junction both provide FREE outreach health care support for Canberra teens. Headspace also offer free appointments with General Practitioners. 

SunSmart UV Alert